Figure 6.
Interindividual methylation changes. To focus on genomic regions with high variation between individual donor samples, we selected 1,129 CpG sites with a SD of more than 0.2 in the five MSC samples. (a) These CpG sites with interindividual variation were highly significantly enriched in gene body, 3′UTR, and intergenic regions as well as in (b) shelf and open sea regions (P < 10–40). The bars represent the enrichment of differentially methylated CpG sites in comparison to representation of all CpG sites covered by the DNA methylation array. (c) Heatmap analysis of 1,129 CpG sites exhibiting differential methylation between individual donor samples demonstrated that interindividual differences are maintained upon reprogramming—iP-MSC clones from each donor (D) clustered always closely together with their parental MSC preparation. ESC, embryonic stem cell; iP-MSC, induced pluripotent-mesencymal stromal cell; UTR, untranslated region.