Table 5.
Marginal effects of being treated in a nonprofit home instead of a for-profit home (N=874,143)
Outcome | Multinomial Logit | 2SRI |
Hospitalized within 30 days | −0.0189*** (16.07) | −0.0174** (2.293) |
Mobility improved | −0.011*** (5.40) | 0.0283** (2.331) |
Pain improved | −0.000469 (0.54) | 0.0147*** (2.654) |
ADL functioning improved | −0.017*** (7.61) | 0.0380*** (2.838) |
Notes: Results are presented as marginal effects at the mean. Full multinomial results available upon request. Models include all the covariates reported in table 1 and state fixed effects. Robust t-statistics clustered at the zip code-level are reported in parentheses.
ADL = activities of daily living