Fig. 5. Df(16)A+/− mice do not display deficits in hippocampus-dependent reference memory in the MWM.
(A) Experimental design for the habituation, visible platform training, hidden platform training, and probe trials of the MWM task. Habituation and visible platform training were for 2 days each, followed by 5 days of hidden platform training. Probe trials were conducted 1 hr and 24 hrs after the last training session. n = 12 mice per genotype. (B) Percent time spent in each quadrant during the probe trials. For both the 1 hr (left) and 24 hr (right) probe trials, Df(16)A+/− and wild-type mice exhibited a preference for the target quadrant (main effect of quadrant: p < 0.0001), with the two genotypes showing equal spatial preferences for the target quadrant (effect of genotype: p = 0.9032, comparisons of all quadrants to target quadrant (all p < 0.0001). (C) The total number of platform crossings, average distance from the platform, and total distance traveled during the 1 hr (top) and 24 hr (bottom) probe trials did not differ between genotypes (all p > 0.05)