Table 1.
CatWalk gait parameter definitions
Parameter (unit) | Definition |
Run duration (s) | Time duration of entire run |
Regularity (% index) | Four times the number of step sequences over the total number of paw steps |
Ab stride pattern (% usage) | Step sequence from Lf to Rh to RF to LH |
Print position (mm) | Distance from former forepaw position to consecutive hindpaw position |
Base of support (mm) | Distance between girdle paw pairs |
Support (% time standing) | Percentage of time two paws are in simultaneous contact with the floor |
Phase lag (%) | Percentage of time the target paw takes to step in relation to the step cycle of the anchor paw |
Stand duration (s) | Time duration of the paw in contact with the floor during a step cycle |
Swing duration (s) | Time duration between two consecutive steps of the paw during a step cycle |
Stride length (mm) | Distance the paw travels from one step to the next |
Stand index (index ratio) | Index is an indication of the speed the paw is lifted from the floor |
Paw area (mm3) | Size of the paw in contact with the floor |
Max contact at (% time) | Percentage of time the paw takes to get to maximum contact with floor over the total stand duration |
Swing speed (m/s) | Stride length over the swing duration |
Intensity (0-255 a.u) | Pressure of paw in contact with the floor |
Duty cycle (% time) | Percentage of time the paw accounts for the total step cycle of that paw |
Interlimb Coordination (%) | Similar to Phase lag however assumes that the target paw placements can not preceed anchor paw |
Rf - Right forepaw; Lf - Left forepaw; Rh - Right hindpaw; Lh - Left hindpaw
Anchor paw - paw in stance; Target paw - paw in swing