Figure 2.
Effect of microinjection of ZJ43 into the PAG. Saline or ZJ43 or ZJ43 with LY341495 were microinjected into the right PAG 10 min prior to formalin injection into the dorsal surface of the contralateral footpad (0 time). Formalin injection induced two phases of hindpaw flinching in the saline injected control rats (n = 6). Microinjection of 150 μg of ZJ43 (n = 7) reduced both phases of the formalin-induced pain response. Pre-treatment with 1 mg/kg of the group II mGluR antagonist LY341495 (i.p.) (n = 6) reversed the effect of ZJ43 on the rapid and slow responses. Ordinate: number of flinches per min; abscissa: time after drug administration (min). Data in this and subsequent figures are presented as the mean +/− S.E.M.