Figure 7. Comparison of neutralizing antibodies in sera of mice vaccinated with HA-13–263 proteins.
Sera were collected at 10 days post-last vaccination. PBS was used as the negative control. (A) Neutralizing antibody titers against HA of homologous AH-HA strain (clade 2.3.4) and heterologous A/Hong Kong/156/97 (HK-HA, clade 0) and A/VietNam/1194/2004 (1194-HA, clade 1) strains of H5N1 pseudovirus. The data are presented as mean NT50± SD from five mice per group. * indicates significant difference (P<0.05), respectively, between HA-13–263-Fdc, HA-13–263-Fc, or HA-13–263-Fd-His vaccination groups and HA-13–263-His group or PBS control for the three H5N1 pseudoviruses. (B) Neutralizing antibody titers against heterologous strains of A/VietNam/1194/2004 (VN/1194, clade 1) and A/Shenzhen/406H/06 (SZ/406H, clade 2.3.4) H5N1 live viruses. The titers of neutralizing antibodies are presented as mean ± SD of five mice per group. * indicates significant difference (P<0.05), respectively, between HA-13–263-Fdc, HA-13–263-Fc, or HA-13–263-Fd-His vaccination groups and HA-13–263-His group or PBS control for both VN/1194 and SZ/406H viruses. The dotted line shows the limit of detection.