Figure 1. Basal body mutant strains show supersensitivity to Taxol.
(A) Serial dilution of mutant, rescued, and intragenic revertant strains on control medium and (B) 8 µM Taxol-containing medium. Phase images of cells on media with different Taxol concentrations. (C, G) Wild-type, (D, H) pf15-1, (E, I) bld2-6 and (F, J) bld2-6, pf15-1 double mutant on 10 µM (C–F) or 6 µM Taxol (G–J) containing medium. The bld2-6, pf15-1 double mutant is unable to grow on 6 µM Taxol containing medium compared to the single mutant strains. Scale bar in Panel C equals 10 µm. Panels C–J are at the same magnification.