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. 2012 Nov 3;2012:901–910.

Algorithm 1

  • 1: Initialize α = 0 and L = 1

  • 2: While not converged

  • 3:     Compute the gradient of f: ∇f(α) using Eq. (1).

  • 4:     Let a=αf(α)L.

  • 5:     Solve α̃ = arg minα L||α − a|| + λ ||α||1.

  • 6:     If J(α̃) < J(α),

  • 7:         α = α̃

  • 8:     else

  • 9:       L = γL

  • 10:     end if

  • 11:end while

  • 12:Output α.