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. 2013 Jan 9;3:478. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2012.00478

Table 1.

Summary of recent experiments assessing expression levels of neurotrophins and neurotrophin receptors after SCI.

PMID Reference Molecule(s) Injury model Injury site Sampling site Experimental methods Post injury time course Findings Notes
10757326 Hayashi et al. (2000) NGF, BDNF, NT3, TrkA, TrkB, TrkC Spinal cord crush (60 g, 1 s) Under T10 vertebra Five segments centered on epicenter ISH Six times; up to 3 days Increase in BDNF and NT3, weaker increase for NGF; TrkA and TrkC not detected; TrkB detected in non-neurons and motoneurons, and increased in both with SCI Functional status of animals was not assessed, but reference was given to Guth et al., 1994 (model shows mild motor deficit after awakening from anesthesia with apparent full recovery at 72 h); BDNF observed in non-neurons after SCI; qualitative data only, no statistics
qPCR (NGF only) NGF increased weakly

11161589 Liebl et al. (2001) TrkA, TrkB, TrkC 12.5 g cm NYU contusion Under T9, T10 vertebra Entire SC ISH 1 day No difference in TrkA, TrkB, or TrkC expression rostral or caudal to injury Absent Trk expression around injury site and reduced in penumbra, no statistics

11331375 Widenfalk et al. (2001) NGF, BDNF, NT3, TrkA, TrkB, TrkC 25 g cm NYU contusion transection Under T9 vertebra Cross-sections taken from regions throughout length of spinal cord injury epicenter and up to 1 cm caudal ISH Six times; up to 6 weeks No change in TrkA, TrkB, TrkC; increase in NGF and BDNF up to 1 day, but no change vs. intact at 6 week; NT3 not detected in either intact or injured spinal cord Functional status of animals with contusion was not assessed; reports on multiple injury types; statistical analysis uses optical density measures for ISH, and radioactivity for RPA
RPA (NGF, BDNF, NT3) 6 weeks after contusion No change in NGF and BDNF; NT3 not detected
1 day after transection Increase in NGF and BDNF; NT3 not detected

11358454 Nakamura and Bregman (2001) NGF, BDNF, NT3, NT4 Lateral over hemisection Under T6 vertebra Entire SC RPA Five times; up to 2 weeks Increase in NGF and BDNF up to 4 days, NT3 and NT4 not detected Used whole SC mRNA, no assessment of injury or post-SCI function, expression data represented as % GAPDH

12115676 Qiao and Vizzard (2002) TrkA, TrkB Transection Under T8-T10 vertebrae L1-S1 DRG IHC 5–6 weeks Increase in # of TrkA and TrkB positive cells in L1, L6/S1, no change at L4/5 No assessment of post-SCI function, data expressed as # of Trk-IR positive cells

15193526 Gulino et al. (2004) BDNF, NT4 Lateral hemisection Under T9 vertebra L4/5 SC IHC Four times; up to 2 weeks Decrease in BDNF, NT4 starting at 30 min, lasting up to 2 weeks Coronal sections; no assessment of post-SCI function; data expressed as relative optical density of IR positive cells in ipsilateral vs. contralateral hemisected cord

15236239 Zvarova et al. (2004) NGF, BDNF Transection Under T7–T9 vertebrae T7-S1 ELISA <1, 6 weeks Increase in NGF T7–T8 (rostral), and T13-L1, L6-S1 (caudal) 6 weeks post injury; Increase in NGF T9-T10 (caudal), and T13-L1, L6-S1 (caudal) < 1 week post injury; increase in BDNF T7-T10, T13-L1, L6-S1 6 weeks post injury; Increase in BDNF T7-L1, L3-S1 < 1 week post injury No assessment of post-SCI function; neurotrophin concentration expressed as proportion of total protein

15611995 Qiao and Vizzard (2005) TrkA, TrkB Transection Under T8-T10 vertebrae L1-S1 DRG IHC 2 days and 2 weeks Increase in # of TrkA and TrkB positive cells in L1, L6/S1, no change at L4/5 No assessment of post-SCI function; data expressed as # of Trk-IR positive cells

17055159 Qin et al. (2006) NGF, BDNF, NT3 Lateral hemisection Under T10 vertebra Ventral horn caudal to T10 injury site IHC Three times; up to 3 weeks Increase in # of BDNF, NT3, NGF positive cells in ventral horn Characterized injuries by spared function (BBB locomotor score); data expressed as optical density of IR positive cells in hemisected cords relative to control cords

17459471 Li et al. (2007) NGF, BDNF, NT3 Transection Under T9–T10 vertebra Laminae I-IX, ∼1.5 cm caudal to injury site IHC Four times; up to 3 weeks Increase in # of NGF IR cells and relative IR in laminae I-IX up to 3 weeks, # of NT3 IR cells and relative IR in laminae VIII and IX up to 3 weeks and laminae I–VII at 2 weeks, # of BDNF IR cells and relative IR in laminae I-IX up to 7 days Characterized injuries by spared function (BBB locomotor score); data expressed as relative optical density of IR positive cells in hemisected vs. control cords

18585435 Hajebrahimi et al. (2008) NGF, BDNF, NT3, TrkA, TrkB, TrkC 25 g cm NYU contusion Under T9-T10 vertebra ∼1 cm block of SC EthBr staining intensity Eight times; up to 3 weeks Decrease in NGF after 6 h that increases until 3 week where greater than control, BDNF and NT3 decrease after 6 h up to 3 weeks; TrkA, TrkB, TrkC decrease up to 3 weeks B2m used as internal control; no assessment of injury or post-SCI function; data expressed as levels of mRNA relative to B2m

21441969 Qian et al. (2011) TrkC Transection/resection Under T8–T9 vertebrae Motor cortex; SC: adjacent to injury, rostral/caudal to injury mRNA, protein Four times; up to 2 weeks Decrease at and around injury site from 1 to 7 days, then rapid increase until 14 days mRNA more highly expressed at injury site than neighboring segments; protein shows same pattern; no assessment of post-SCI function

22244304 Keeler et al. (2012) BDNF, NT4, NT3, TrkB, TrkC Transection Under T9 vertebra L4–L6 SC (laser-captured motoneurons, select laminae); L4–6 DRG (large neurons) Laser-capture, qPCR, WB up to 31 days Increase in NT4 and TrkB mRNA at 10 days, NT4 mRNA at 31 days; increase in NT3, NT4, BDNF protein at 31 days; increases in NT4 at 10 days, TrkB at 31 days in motoneurons; no change in expression in intermediate gray matter or large DRG neurons More robust increase in expression after exercise; no assessment of post-SCI function; data expressed as mRNA or protein relative to control

Hougland et al. (this article) NGF, BDNF, NT3, TrkA, TrkB, TrkC 12.5 and 25 g cm NYU contusion Under T9 vertebra L4/5 spinal cord and DRG qPCR 6 and 12 weeks Gene regulation differed by injury severity and by post-SCI time; correlated expression of genes at 12 weeks in DRG Characterized injuries by spared function (BBB locomotor score) and by histology (white matter sparing); examined co-regulation of genes

Abbreviations: n.c, no change; IHC, immunohistochemistry; ISH, in situ hybridization; WB, western blot; RPA, ribonuclease protection assay; EthBr, ethidium bromide; LCM, laser-capture microdissection; qPCR, quantitative polymerase chain reaction; SC, spinal cord; DRG, dorsal root ganglion.