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. 2013 Jan;13(1):67–69. doi: 10.1089/vbz.2012.1058

Table 1.

Sequence Similarities Between the East Coast Rickettsia massiliae Specimen and R. massiliae Strains from European R. sanguineus Ticks

Rickettsial genes
gene Dc
Strain name Country of origin GenBank no. Similarities GenBank no. Similarities GenBank no. Similarities GenBank no. Similarities
Bar29 Spain U43792.1 130/130 AF123710.1 257/257 AF155056.1 592/592 U59720.1 350/350
GS Greece U43793.1 129/130 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Mtu5 France CP000683.1 129/130 CP000683.1 254/257 CP000683.1 587/592 CP000683.1 350/350

Primers used in this study: 190.547f: CCT GCC GAT AAT TAT ACA GGT TTA and 190.701r: GTT CCG TTA ATG GCA GCA T (Ermeeva et al. 2003).


Primers used in this study: 4362pOut: GTC AGC GTT ACT TCT TCG ATG C; 4836nOut: CCG TAC TCC ATC TTA GCA TCA G; 4496pln: CCA ATG GCA GGA CTT AGC TAC T; and 4762nln: AGG CTG GCT GAT ACA CGG AGT AA (Choi et al. 2005).


Primers used in this study: D767f: CGA TGG TAG CAT TAA AAG CT and D1390r: CTT GCT TTT CAG TAT CAC (Sekeyova et al. 2001).


Primers used in this study: RpCS.877P: GGG GGC CTG CTC ACG GCG G and RpCS.1258N: ATT GCA AAA AGT ACA GTG AAC A (Regnery et al. 1991).

Numbers represent the number of nucleotides in common.