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. 2012 Dec 4;6:113. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2012.00113

Table 2.

Studies examining the brain correlates of emotion perception in ASD.

Reference Participant groups N Matching Paradigm Emotional expressions studied
Principal brain related findings
Happy Sad Anger Fear Surprise Disgust Other
Critchley et al. (2000) ASD; TD 9; 9 CA; FSA Identify expression vs. identify gender of briefly presented expressive faces x x ↓lSTG, lLG, ↓rFG, ↓lAmyg (only in implicit gender disk)
Hall et al. (2003) ASD; TD 8; 8 CA; NVA Match facial expression with emotional prosody x x x x ↓lIFG, ↓lLG, ↑rTP, ↑lACC, ↓rFG
Hubl et al. (2003) ASD; TD 7; 7 CA; NVA Detect happy faces vs. detect female faces vs. scrambled face baseline vs. geometric shape visual perception task x x x ↓FG and subtle ↓INS
Oagi et al. (2003) ASD; TD 5; 5 CA; VA; NVA; FSA Concentrate on identifying static facial expressions (actual performance tested after scanning) x x x ↓lINS, ↓lIFG, ↓lMFG, ↓lputamen
Piggot et al. (2004) ASD; TD 14; 10 CA; FSA; VA; NVA Match static facial expressions with one another vs. identify static facial expressions vs. match geometric shapes with one another x x x ↓FG during matching
Wang et al. (2004) ASD; TD 12; 12 CA; VA Match static facial expressions with one another vs. identify static facial expressions vs. match geometric shapes with one another x x ↓FG, ↓task modulation of rAmyg; marginal ↑precuneus
Dawson et al. (2004) ASD; TD 29; 22 CA; subgroup also on FSA Passive viewing of static facial expressions x ↓Emotion modulation of N300 and NSW (≈800–1200 ms)
Dalton et al. (2005, Exp1.) ASD; TD 11; 12 CA Identify whether or not an emotion is expressed in faces with direct or averted gaze x x x ↓FG, ↑lAmyg, ↓rMFG, ↑lOFC
Kujala et al. (2005) ASD; TD 8; 8 CA Determine when the prosody of a spoken word (“Saara”) deviated from neutral (on 21% of trials) x x x ↓N300 to anger, topographical differences over frontal electrodes
O’Connor et al. (2005) ASD; TD 30; 30 CA Identify static facial expressions x x x x Delayed P1, ↓N170; diff. more marked in adults than children
Dapretto et al. (2006) ASD; TD 10; 10 CA; FSA Imitate vs. observe static facial expressions vs. null events baseline x x x x ↓rIFG, ↓rINS, ↓rAmyg, ↑visual processing areas
Ashwin et al. (2007) ASD; TD 13; 13 CA; FSA Respond as quickly as possible when a face is shown; faces expressing no fear, mild fear, or extreme fear presented randomly among scrambled faces x ↓lOFC, ↓lAmyg, ↑rACC, ↑rSTS, ↑STG; ↓signal mod. by fear intensity
Deeley et al. (2007) ASD; TD 18; 9 CA; FSA; VA; ≠NVA Identify the gender of static faces expressing various intensities of emotions x x x x ↓FG, ↓LG, ↓mOG, ↓IOG; ↓signal mod. by intensity
Pelphrey et al. (2007) ASD; TD 8; 8 CA; VA; NVA; FSA Respond when a face appears on the screen; static expressive and neutral faces and dynamic emotion and identity morphs were presented x x ↓lFG, ↓lMFG, ↓rAmyg, ↓rSFG, ↓MTG, ↓rSTS; ↓mod. by static vs. dynamic emotions
Korpilahti et al. (2007) ASD; TD 14; 13 CA Passive listening (while watching a silent cartoon) of two one-word prosodic utterances x Ealiere and ↓N1, ↑eMMN (at around 200 ms)
Wicker et al. (2008) ASD; TD 12; 14 CA Identify emotion vs. identify age (young/old) of face stimuli where gaze direction changes dynamically from averted to averted or averted to direct x x ↓rTPJ, ↓rIFG, ↓SFG; ↓Amyg – frontal and frontal – STS connectivity
Wong et al. (2008) ASD; TD 10; 12 CA; NVA Identify gender of or discriminate emotion (against neutral) of static face stimuli x x x x No group diff. for P1 and N170; ↑P2 mod. by expression; dipole source diff. in FG, MFG, left cuneus, and precuneus
Corbett et al. (2009) ASD; TD 12; 15 CA; ≠FSA Determine whether two static face images are of the same emotion or person vs. whether two static abstract shapes are the same x x x x ↓rFG, ↓lAmyg, ↑lSPL, ↑lMFG/IFG
Hadjikhani et al. (2009) ASD; TD 12; 7 CA Match static body postures of different individuals with one another x x x ↓Amyg, ↓FG. ↓INS, ↓IFG, ↓putamen, ↓premotor, ↓pulvinar, ↓colliculus, ↓accumbens
Grézes et al. (2009) ASD; TD 12; 12 CA; FSA Oddball paradigm in which participants needed to detect 10 upside-down stimuli amongst static and dynamic body postures/movements x ↓rAmyg, ↓IFG. ↓rPrecentral gyrus, ↓rITG (in fear vs. neutral contrast)
Greimel et al. (2010) ASD; TD 15; 15 CA; VA; FSA; ≠NVA Identify static facial expressions varying in intensity vs. report own emotional response to the same facial expressions x x ↓lIFG, ↓rFG (in self-report condition)
Kleinhans et al. (2010) ASD; TD 29; 25 CA; VA; NVA; FSA Match static facial expressions with one another vs. match shapes with one another x x ↓lIFG, ↑occipital lobe; rFG, lTP, and rAmyg activity to emotional faces correlated with anxiety
Monk et al. (2010) ASD; TD 12; 12 CA; VA; NVA Indicate the left/right position of an asterisk that is shown after static face pairs that include an emotional and neutral expression (or two neutral) x x x ↑rAmyg; ↑rAmyg – ACC, ↓rAmyg – lMTG, and ↓rAmyg – IFG connectivity
Schulte-Rüther et al. (2011) ASD; TD 18; 18 CA; VA; NVA (marginal); FSA Identify static emotional expressions vs. report own emotions in response to these expressions ↑rdMPFC, ↓vMPFC, ↓precuneus/PCC in “other” task; ↑rdMPFC, ↑rMFG, ↑rIFC, ↑STS in “self” task
Bastiaansen et al. (2011) ASD; TD 21; 21 CA; FSA Observe dynamic facial expressions vs. express emotion vs. experience emotion x x IFG activity correlated with CA only in ASD group
Davis et al. (2011) ASD; TD 16; 16 CA; VA; NVA; FSA Passive viewing of static facial expression with averted or direct gaze x x x ↓vlPFC
Weng et al. (2011) ASD; TD 22; 22 CA; VA; ≠NVA Identify the gender of static faces expressing emotions; outside scanner identify the emotional expressions x x x ↑Amyg, ↑striatum, ↑IFG; negative Amyg – CA correlation in ASD only

ASD, autism spectrum disorder; TD, typically developing; CA, chronological age; VA, verbal ability; NVA, non-verbal ability; FSA, full-scale ability; ≠, groups are not matched on this variable. l, left hemisphere; r, right hemisphere; ↑, increased signal contrast in ASD vs. comparison group; ↓, decreased signal contrast in ASD vs. comparison group. ACC, anteriro cingulate cortex; Amyg, amygdala; FG, fusiform gyrus; IFG, inferior frontal gyrus; INS, insula; LG, lingual gyrus; MFG, middle frontal gyrus; dMPFC, dorsomedial prefrongal cortex; vMPFC, ventromedial prefrontal cortex; MTG, middle temporal gyrus; OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; SFG, superior frontal gyrus; STG, superior temporal gyrus; STS, superior temporal sulcus; SPL, superior parietal lobe; TP, temporal pole; TPJ, temporal-parietal junction.