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. 2012 Dec 4;3:531. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00531

Table 1.

Neuropsychological profiles of the amnesic patients.

K.C. D.A. H.C.
FSIQ 88 (99)1 117 106
VIQ 96 (99) 121 104
PIQ 79 (99) 106 106
 AM-NART (standard score) 102 117 101.28
 WAIS-R vocab (scaled score) 9 12
 Boston naming (/60) 57 56 58
 Semantic fluency2 (scaled score) 10 12 >14
General memory (standard score) 61 74 49*
Verbal memory (standard score) 67 74 46*
Visual memory (standard score) 69 81 59*
LP I (%ile) 5th 15th 2nd
LP II (%ile) <1st <1st <1st
VR I (%ile) 13th 19th
VR II (%ile) <1st <1st
WRMT (/50)
Words 26 21
Faces 25 25
Acquisition (T-score) 12 9 38
Short delay free (Z-score) −4 −4 −4
Long delay free (Z-score) −4 −4 −3
Recog. discrim. (Z-score) −3 −4 −2
ROCF (/36)
Copy 36 35 36
Immediate recall 4 <20 (Z-score)
Delayed recall 0 0 <20 (Z-score)
AMI Autobiographical (/9)
Childhood 2 7
Early adult life 3 6
Recent life 1 3
AMI personal semantics (/21)
Childhood 16 17.5
Early adult life 13.5 21
Recent life 8 16
 Judgment of line orientation (/30) 23 26 24
 Benton visual discrimination test (%ile) >95th
 Benton face recognition test (%ile) 1st 33rd–59th
 Letter fluency3 (scaled score) 6 8 11–12
 WAIS-R digits (scaled score) 12 13
Categories (/6) 6 6
Persev. resp. (Z-score) −0.5

WAIS-R, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Revised; AM-NART, American National Adult Reading Test; WMS-R, Wechsler Memory Scale – Revised; LP, logical passages; VR, visual reproduction; CVLT, California Verbal Learning Test; ROCF, Rey Osterrieth complex figure; AMI, Autobiographical memory interview; WCST, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.

1Number in parentheses represents standard score on the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI) from a 2003 re-assessment of general intellectual function.

2Score is based on the number of animal names produced in 1 min.

3Score is based on the total number of words produced for the letters F, A, and S when given 1 min for each.

*WMS-III (Hurley et al., 2011).