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. 2012 Dec 6;12:154. doi: 10.1186/1471-2377-12-154

Table 2.

MSTSQ, ISR, and SF-MPQ endpoints during the full-dose period of the comparative phase (intent-to-treat population)

  IFNβ-1a (N = 65) IFNβ-1b (N = 64) p-value
MSTSQ assessments
MSTSQ overall satisfaction score,a mean (SD)
1.51 (0.56)
1.53 (0.63)
MSTSQ injection system score,a mean (SD)
1.68 (0.41)
1.80 (0.45)
MSTSQ score for background information,a mean (SD)
2.28 (0.91)
2.28 (0.86)
Blinded assessment of ISRs
Diameter of injection-site redness, mm, mean (SD)
11.32 (14.88)
11.75 (15.53)
Patients, n (%), with:
  Injection-site swelling
19 (29.2)
16 (25.0)
  Injection-site bruising
21 (32.3)
7 (10.9)
  Injection-site itching
7 (10.8)
6 (9.4)
SF-MPQ assessments
SF-MPQ VAS pain score,b mm, mean (SD)
2.54 (7.98)
3.24 (8.78)
Patients pain-free on SF-MPQ VAS,b,cn (%) 17 (26.2) 17 (26.6) 0.852

aOn the MSTSQ, a lower score indicates a more favorable response to treatment. bThe SF-MPQ VAS recorded the maximum amount of pain experienced during the 60 min after injection, from 0 mm (no pain) to 100 mm (worst possible pain). cPain-free was defined as an SF-MPQ VAS score of 0 mm.

IFN, interferon; ISR, injection-site reaction; MSTSQ, Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire; SD, standard deviation; SF-MPQ, Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire; VAS, visual analog scale.