(A) Representative M-mode (5 seconds) from flies fed LSD and HSD. Three-week-old adults fed an HSD showed moderate cardiac arrhythmia; at six weeks arrhythmicity was increased. (B) Arrhythmia index obtained from w1118 flies fed LSD and HSD. Arrhythmias observed in M-mode can be quantified as arrhythmia index, which is the standard deviation of all heart periods in each record normalized to the median heart period for each fly. Mean ± SE are shown. At week three, a significant increase in arrhythmia index was observed in HSD fed flies (0.44) compared to low sucrose fed flies (0.16) (*P = 1.54E-17 by F-test). Arrhythmia index of six-week-old flies increased to 0.66 in HSD and 0.26 in low sucrose diet, respectively (*P = 6.01E-12 by F-test). Data are means ± SE. (C) Heart period of adult files fed low vs. high dietary sucrose. At three weeks of age, no difference was observed between HSD- and LSD-fed flies. Heart period was significantly increased at six weeks of age in both HSD- and LSD-fed flies (*P = 9.64E-06 and 1.44E-09, respectively, by t-test). Interestingly at six weeks of age, heart period of HSD-fed flies was shorter than that of low sucrose fed flies (*P = 0.015 by t-test). Data are means ± SE. (D) Fractional shortening of adult flies fed low vs. high dietary sucrose. At three weeks of age, no difference was observed between HSD- and LSD-fed flies; however, fractional shortening was significantly decreased in flies fed HSD- vs. LSD-fed (*P = 0.043 by t-test). Data are means ± SE. (E) Quantification of Pericardin level of adult heart by Western blot. Eight hearts from three-week-old LSD- and HSD-fed flies, respectively, were loaded. Pericardin level was detected by a monoclonal antibody against Pericardin, and normalized to Actin level. (F,G) Representative confocal images of three-week-old adult fly hearts expressing Cypher-GFP (posterior A2/anterior A3 segment) and stained with anti-Pericardin (magenta) antibody. Pericardin levels in hearts of flies fed an HSD were increased compared to those fed low sucrose. Note that Pericardin was detected in heart tissue but not abdominal muscles. See also Figure S4. (H) Fly hearts from w1118 adults fed LSD or HSD were treated with insulin (2.5 µM) or vehicle and visualized using antibodies against Drosophila PO4-Akt, PO4-4EBP or Actin, showing the response of the heart to exogenous insulin challenge. n = 3. Bands from Western blot experiments were quantified, and PO4-Akt and PO4-4EBP were normalized to Actin as a loading control. The ratio of HSD fed flies was then normalized to that of LSD fed flies. PO4-Akt and PO4-4EBP level were 74.3% and 13.9%, respectively, in HSD-fed flies compared to LSD-fed flies (P = 0.049 and 0.0003, respectively, by t-test). (I) Heart accumulated triglycerides (TAG) were assayed enzymatically in 15 hearts from 3-week-old LSD- and HSD-fed w1118 adult flies, and normalized to protein level. n = 2. (P = 0.028 by t-test). See also Figure S4 and Videos S1, S2, S3.