Figure 5.
Summary of simple effect of task on [11C]FLB‐457 BPND within each group. (a) In control group, performing the active task compared to the control task decreased [11C]FLB‐457 BPND in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), uncus and fusiform gyrus. In PD, performing the active task compared with control task increased BPND in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC), medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) and OFC. (b) The [11C]FLB‐457 BPND in the OFC (BA 11) was extracted from spherical VOI (X = 24, Y = 26, Z = −24; radius 6 mm) that was identified in the voxel‐based simple effect analysis of task (active vs. control) in control group. The significant reduction of [11C]FLB‐457 BPND during active task vs. control task was confirmed in control group (paired‐t test: t(7)=3.57, *P = 0.009), but not in PD (paired‐t test: t(7) = −1.136, P > 0.05). (c) The [11C]FLB‐457 BPND in the VLPFC (BA 46/47) was extracted from spherical VOI (X = 42, Y = 48, Z = −6; radius 6 mm) that was identified in the voxel‐based simple effect analysis of task (active vs. control) in PD. The significant increase of [11C]FLB‐457 BPND during active task vs. control task was confirmed in PD (paired‐t test: t (7) = 3.839, *P = 0.009), but not in control group (paired‐t test: t(7) = −0.186, P > 0.05).