Table 1. Participant characteristics.
Parameter | Tinnitus group | Control group | -value |
- | |||
Age (years) | |||
UCL (dBHL) | |||
MHL (dBHL) | |||
GSI | |||
PSDI | |||
PST | |||
DEP | |||
SOM | |||
ANX | |||
TinDur (years) | - | - | |
TinDis | - | - | |
(dBSL) | - | - | |
(sones) | - | - | |
(dBHL) | - | - | |
(dBHL) | - | - | |
(dBSL) | - | - | |
(kHz) | - | - | |
MML (dBHL) | - | - | |
(dBSL) | - | - | |
RTS | - | - |
Group means and standard deviations are reported. Auditory measures: mean hearing loss (MHL, left and right ear averaged for the frequency range 0.125 kHz to 16 kHz); mean threshold of uncomfortable loudness (UCL, left and right ear averaged for the frequency range 0.125 kHz to 10 kHz). Psychological measures derived from the SCL-90-R: global severity index (GSI), positive symptom total (PST), positive symptom distress index (PSDI), depressiveness subscale (DEP), somatization subscale (SOM), anxiety subscale (ANX). Tinnitus characteristics: tinnitus duration (TinDur), tinnitus-related distress (TinDis) derived from the Tinnitus Questionnaire (scores : low tinnitus-related distress, scores : high tinnitus-related distress). Tinnitus loudness measures (TL, see section “Psychoacoustic measurements” and Table 2); frequency of the major peak in tinnitus spectrum (); minimum masking level when masking with white noise (MML) as well as minimum masking level above mean hearing threshold (); rating of similarity of reconstructed tinnitus sound to own tinnitus (RTS, 0: no match, 10: perfect match).