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. 2012 Aug 3;27(1):202–207. doi: 10.1038/leu.2012.159

Table 2. Significance of markers for progression-free survival assessed by univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis.

Covariates Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis (n=242)
Del:13 P=0.03a (n=283) P=0.546
t4-14 P=0.05a (n=252) P=0.515
Del:17p P=0.08 (n=277) P=0.457
β2-M >5.5 mg/l P=0.51 (n=308) P=0.407
β2-M >3.5 mg/l P=0.001a (n=308) P=0.045a
Albumin <35 g/l P=0.153 (n=302) P=0.828
FLC tertiles P=0.589 (n=307) P=0.689
Monoclonal Ig tertilesb P=0.16 (n=300) P=0.748
HLC ratios of <200 to >0.01 vs more extreme values P=0.017a (n=308) P=0.001a

Abbreviations: β2-M, β2-microglobulin; FLC, serum free light chain; HLC, immunoglobulin heavy/light chain; Ig, immunoglobulin.

n=number of results available for the analysis.


Significant result at P<0.05.


Monoclonal immunoglobulins as measured by SPEP densitometry.