Effect of Rad14p on transcription of constitutively active genes.
A and B, analysis of Rpb1p association with the ADH1 promoter and coding sequence in the Δrad14 strain (PCY25) and its isogenic wild type equivalent following continuous growth in YPD up to an A600 of 1.0 before cross-linking. C, RT-PCR analysis of ADH1 is shown. D, RT-PCR analysis of PGK1 and PYK1. E and F, analysis of Rpb1p association with the promoters and coding sequences of PGK1 and PYK1 in the wild type and Δrad14 strains. G, RT-PCR analysis of RPS5. H, analysis of Rpb1p association with RPS5 in the wild type and Δrad14 strains.