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. 2013 Jan 11;8(1):e53607. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0053607

Table 1. Participant Characteristics (n = 186).

% (n) M (SD)
Diagnosis and Treatment
Self-reported Oncotype Recurrence Risk
Low (<12%) 72 (113)
Intermediate (12%–21%) 24 (37)
High (>21%) 4 (7)
Time since breast cancer diagnosis (months)1 22.62 (15.9)
<13 30 (56)
13–24 36 (66)
≥25 34 (63)
Treatments received
Radiation 63 (118)
Chemotherapy 30 (55)
Hormone therapy 79 (144)
Chemotherapy and Radiation 17 (32)
Body mass index (kg/m2) 26.28 (5.90)
Underweight 2 (3)
Normal weight 49 (89)
Overweight 27 (49)
Obese 23 (42)
Age (mean) 56.62 (9.92)
White 80 (146)
Black 14 (26)
Other 6 (10)
Less than college 39 (73)
College graduate 61 (112)
Married or living as married 70 (130)
Health Insurance 97 (177)
Annual household income
<$60,000 31 (51)
≥$60,000 or more 69 (116)
Perceived Recurrence Risk 15.73 (18.5)
Breast Cancer Worry2 1.80 (0.91)
Adherence to Health Behaviors
BMI 49 (89)
Regular fruit and vegetable intake 47 (87)
Regular physical activity 51 (93)

Note: Some variables reflect an n<186 due to missing data for that variable;


We excluded a participant with an outlier of 194 months from all analyses;


Breast cancer worry items had a response scale coded 1–4, with higher scores reflecting greater worry about cancer recurrence.