Figure 5. Effect of ACh in the network.
(A) An ongoing state of the network of 16 units. The instantaneous firing rates of excitatory ensembles in 16 units are shown. Transitive dynamics among quasi-attractors are observed for , where
is the cholinergic reduction of inhibition that reduces the strengths of inhibitory connections as
. These dynamics correspond to the schematic diagram in Figures 2A and 2D. (B) When
, the staying time at each quasi-attractor increases. This corresponds to Figures 2B and 2E. (C) When
, all the quasi-attractors are stabilized. Therefore, transitions between memories do not take place. This corresponds to Figures 2C and 2F. (D) Dependence of averaged staying time
at a quasi-attractor on
. The state with
is the ongoing state and, for
, the strengths of inhibitory connections are decreased by the cholinergic reduction of inhibition. When the quasi-attractors exist,
takes finite values.
diverges at
, and each quasi-attractor is stabilized to become an attractor for