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. 2013 Jan 11;8(1):e54159. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0054159

Table 1. Results of nested ANOVA of the effects of Region (north and south of Punta Lengua de Vaca, fixed factor) and Site (Panul, Guanaqueros, Limarí, or Punta Talca; random factor and nested within Region) on stability, species synchrony, species dominance, statistical averaging, and overyielding.

Region (1) Site(Region) (2) Residual (36) Pooled residual (38)
Source of variation MS F MS F MS MS MS denominator
Response variable
Stability 0.78 19.03 *** 0.06 1.42 0.040 0.041 Pooled
Mean total cover 2284.63 8.27 ** 166.40 0.59 282.455 276.347 Pooled
Std. dev. total cover 1009.08 13.03 ** 144.22 1.96 73.733 77.442 Pooled
Species synchrony 3.54 21.82 *** 0.19 1.16 0.161 0.162 Pooled
Dominance 0.43 8.73 0.05 8.32 ** 0.006 Site(Region)
Statistical averaging 0.12 0.53 0.22 6.56 ** 0.034 Site(Region)
Overyielding 0.76 0.89 0.85 4.10 ** 19.930 19.056 Pooled

Degrees of freedom are in brackets. Error terms with highly conservative P-values (≥0.25) were removed from the model and the F-ratio for Region was recalculated with a pooled residual. Error terms used as denominator for each F-ratio are given in MS denominator.


 = P<0.05;


 = P<0.001.