Mouse lung chronically depleted of ITSN-1s show phenotypically-altered ECs. A BrdU/FITC Ab immunostaining (a1, a4, a5), followed by CD31/AlexaFluor594 (a2, a6, a7) shows BrdU positive ECs within alveolar wall, at 10d (a3, arrows) and 24d (a8, a9, arrows). Arrowheads (a8, a9) point towards BrdU positive alveolar epithelial cells. Bars: 20 μm, (a1–a9). B Representative Western blots of lung lysates of control, wt-mice (a), siRNActrl (b) and veh (c), 72 h post-injection as well as siRNAITSN-treated mice, at the time points indicated, using phospho-specific Erk1/2MAPK and total Erk1/2MAPK Abs. The graph shows densitometric analysis of Erk1/2MAPK activation (phospho-Erk1/2 relative to total Erk1/2) as mean ± SEM of 3 separate experiments. C Expression TGFβ, BMP-2/4 and VEGF-A, in mouse lung lysates of control and siRNAITSN-treated mice, at the time points indicated assessed by Western blot with specific anti-TGFβ, BMP-2/4 and VEGF-A Abs. Actin was used as loading control. D. Densitometric analysis of TGF-β, BMP-2/4 and VEGF-A immunoreactivity. Different Abs and detection conditions did not allow a quantitative assessment of the ratio between the growth factors. E. Evaluation of Bad phosphorylation by Western blotting with anti-phospho Ser112-Bad, Ser136-Bad and Ser155-Bad Abs. The blots were stripped and reprobed with an anti-Bad Ab. The Western blots C, E are representative for 3–4 different experiments; densitometric analyses B, D were applied on 3 different HyBlot CL films. Densitometric values ± SEM are representative for 3 independent experiments