State the rationale for selecting a particular PAM system and specifically which behavioral characteristics were of primary interest in making the measurements.
Report the reliability (inter- and intra-instrument) for the instrument selected (if available), and also validity information for the activity estimates of interest (e.g., direct measures or predicted values).
Report the method and location of monitor attachment.
Indicate the a priori goal for the sampling periods observed (i.e., number of hours per day; number and type of days).
Describe the method(s) for estimating wearing time in sufficient detail so that others can replicate the method.
Provide information about the quality control checks that were implemented and specify the type of action taken when data were determined to be invalid.
State clearly the compliance criteria to define a valid day of observation and the number and type of days required to be included in the final analytic sample. These criteria may vary according to the needs of a particular study, and/or certain study populations.
Describe the methods used to generate key summary variables, including references to any prediction methods or classification decisions employed.