Figure 8.
Replacement hair cells rapidly incorporate FM1–43. A, D. FM1-43 signal in utricles from a wild-type (WT) mouse (A) and a Pou4f3+/DTR mouse at 80 days post-DT (D). B, E, The boxed regions in A and D are shown at higher magnification in B and E, respectively. C, F, Phalloidin labeling in the same fields as shown in B and E but at the level of hair cell stereocilia. Hair cells with long stereociliary bundles in WT utricles (B, C, arrowheads) take up FM1-43. Hair cells with short stereociliary bundles in Pou4f3+/DTR utricles (E, F, arrowheads) also take up FM1-43. Scale bar (in A) A, D, 25 μm; B, C, E, F, 8 μm.