Figure 5.
Mice that received ethanol binge during adolescence had a deficit in reversal learning as adults. Following acquisition of reversal learning, mice were tested in a 60 second probe trial in the absence of the hidden platform. (A) Control mice spent a nearly equal amount time in the initial learning quadrant (Quadrant 1, 22.4%±3.02) and the reversal learning quadrant (Quadrant 3, 25.5%±2.5). Adult mice were treated with ethanol during adolescence spent more than twice as much time in the quadrant where the platform was during initial learning (Quadrant 1, 35.6%±5.5) than where the platform was during reversal learning (Quadrant 3, 15.5%±7.7) (**p < 0.01, t-test). Also, control mice spent significantly more time in the reversal quadrant (Quadrant 3, 25.5%±2.5) than the mice that received alcohol during adolescence (15.5%±7.7) († p<0.05, t test). Data is presented as mean ± SEM. N = 7 Control, 7 Ethanol. (B) Representative tracings of the reversal probe trial from one animal in each treatment group, depicting the increased time spent by control mice in the reversal learning quadrant (Quadrant 3) compared to adolescent ethanol treated mice, which spent more time in the initial learning quadrant (Quadrant 1).