(A) The level of angiogenesis at the end of the 5-week growth was measured with immunofluorescence by staining blood vessels with anti-CD31 monoclonal antibodies conjugated with FITC (n=3 each, *; p<0.05, Scale bar: 10μm). (B) One week after PC-3 cell injection, mice were implanted with osmotic pumps with control peptide (TAT) or ψδRACK at 38 mg/kg/day (30mM) for 4 weeks. HIF-1α levels were measured by Western blot analyses using whole cell lysates from tumors (Figure 2B left, *; p<0.05 t test, n=3 each). GAPDH was used as a loading control. (C) Next, human VEGF concentration was measured in the serum from mice treated with control peptide (TAT) or ψδRACK by ELISA (Figure 2C left, *; p<0.05, n=4 each). Mouse VEGF concentration was measured in the serum from mice treated with control peptide (TAT) or ψδRACK by ELISA (Figure 2C, right).