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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Jan 8.
Published in final edited form as: Structure. 2012 Dec 6;21(1):133–142. doi: 10.1016/j.str.2012.10.017

TABLE I. Data Collection and Refinement Statistics.

Crystal data HBeAg - e6 Fab complex Fab e6
  Space group Triclinic P1 Monoclinic C2
  Unit cell parameters (Å, °) a = 66.7, b = 75.8, c = 88.7, a = 124.1, b = 68.2, c = 236.6,
α = 96.8, β = 103.8, γ = 116.0 α = 90.0, β = 96.3, γ = 90.0
x2003; HBeAg dimer molecules per ASU 1 0
  e6 Fab molecules per ASU 2 4
  Vm3 Da−1) 2.92 2.60
  Solvent content (%) 57.9 52.7
Data collection statistics
  Resolution (Å) 46.2 - 3.34 (3.43 – 3.34) 31.1 – 2.52 (2.58 – 2.52)
  Rwork (%) 11.6 (73.7) 9.6 (91.1)
  I/δ(I) 6.4 (1.0) 7.7 (1.3)
  Completeness (%) 92.6 (88.8) 99.5 (99.6)
Mean multiplicity 1.8 (1.6) 3.4 (3.5)
Refinement statistics
No. of total reflections 34,840 223,579
No. of unique reflections 19,664 66,469
No. of reflections used in refinement 19,651 66,468
Rwork / Rfree (%) 23.3/23.4 18.1/21.9
Reflections used for Rfree (|Fo| > 0) (%) 5.0 5.0
Ramachandran plot (%)
  Most favored 96.0 96.9
  Allowed 3.7 3.0
  Outliers 0.3 0.1
No. of protein atoms 9,076 13,480
Average B-factor (Å2) 111 62
Wilson B-factor (Å2) 76 58
R.m.s. deviations
  bond lengths (Å) 0.008 0.010
  bond angles (°) 1.19 1.27
  B-factor of bonded atoms (Å2) 0.8 1.7
  NCS related HBeAg coordinates (Å) 0.03 --
  NCS related HBeAg B-factors (Å2) 6.6 --
  NCS related Fab e6 coordinates (Å) 0.09 0.64
  NCS related Fab e6 B-factors (Å2) 7.5 14.1
  Targeted Refine. Fab coords (Å) 0.50 --
  Targeted Refine. Fab B-factors (Å2) 13.0 --