Figure 8. Some cytokines are modulated in a coordinated fashion by conditioned running in aging rats and relate to measures of hippocampus-dependent behavior and hippocampal neurogenesis.
Spearman rank correlations were run on immune and neuroimmune cytokines with concentrations that were modulated by running (see Table 1), water maze DI scores, inhibitory avoidance retention latencies and total new neuron number. Of the cytokines altered by daily exercise, several were modulated in a coordinated fashion. Cytokines are color-coded to denote their primary, typically systemic, known function. Concentrations increased by running are plotted in the green circle while those that decrease are plotted in the red circle. Negatively correlated cytokines are linked with red lines while positively correlated cytokines are linked with green lines. (B) Depicts relationships between cytokines, behavioral measures and measures of neurogenesis that were modulated by running. Water maze discrimination index scores, inhibitory avoidance 24 h retention latencies and new neuron number were significantly affected by conditioned running. Note that only statistically significant correlations (p < 0.05) are shown.