Figure 2. A ΔyopK mutant lacks translocation fidelity.
CHO cells were infected with Y. pestis strains for 3 hours before the media was removed and monolayer washed. Host cell membranes were lysed with digitonin and separated by centrifugation into supernatant (cytosolic content of host cells including injected Yops) and pellet (large membrane fragments and adherent bacteria). Samples were immunoblotted with RpoA (bacteria cytosolic protein), YscD (structural component of T3SS), and p130cas (eukaryotic cytosolic protein) serving as fractionation controls. * Denotes degradation products of YopE due to surface protease Pla (Sodeinde & Goguen, 1988, Sodeinde et al., 1988) while arrowheads indicate full-length proteins.