Fig. 4.
Target azimuth tuning functions in the presence of an interferer. A–F: target azimuth tuning functions of 6 neurons for a single source (thick black line) and in the presence of a contralateral (blue dotted line), central (red dashed line), or ipsilateral interferer (green solid line). Arrows above each panel indicate the interferer locations. Black arrowhead on the y-axis indicates the neuron's spontaneous rate. Frequency value in each panel indicates the neuron's BF. Directional signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) for each neuron are as folllows (single source/contralateral/central/ipsilateral): 8.0/3.9/9.0/21 (A), 13/2.9/7.8/7.1 (B), 0.32/0.37/1.1/0.67 (C), 12/0.19/2.5/7.7 (D), 15/0.66/8.2/2.2 (E), 6.4/0.29/2.7/4.0 (F). sp/s, Spikes/s.