Fig. 4.
A and B: example weight maps generated by classifier for posterior parietal regions of interest (ROIs), showing an interdigitated pattern of voxel preferences for Relation (hotter colors) or Item (cooler colors) trials at the representative single-subject (A) and group (B) levels. C: classification results of Items vs. Relations within ROIs defined by significantly elevated activity in both Item and Relation trials and no trend toward differential activity between Item and Relation trials, showing that even within areas of common activation, dissociable neural subpopulations can by distinguished by their response patterns. Chance is 50%. BOCC, bilateral occipital cortex; LIPS, left intraparietal sulcus; BDOCC/PP, bilateral dorsal occipital/posterior parietal cortex; BFEF, bilateral frontal eye fields. *P < 0.05; †P < 0.005.