Overexpression of GTL1 dramatically represses cell growth and cell differentiation. (A, B) Scanning electron micrographs of the fifth true leaves of 17-day-old WT (Col), pGL2:GFP:GTL1 and pATML1:GFP:GTL1 plants (A) and corresponding close-up views of their adaxial epidermis (B). White arrows mark out-grown, unbranched trichomes. Black arrows point to abnormally enlarged and pointed epidermal cells that may possess trichome identities. Another type of abnormally enlarged cells, marked with black asterisks, exhibit cellular morphology characteristic to epidermal pavement cells. (C) Expression of the trichome identity marker pGL2:GUS in the third true leaves of 10-day-old Col, pGL2:GFP:GTL1 and pATML1:GFP:GTL1 plants. (D, E) A light micrograph of 21-day-old Col and pATML1:GFP:GTL1 plants (D) and scanning electron micrographs of their adaxial epidermis on fully expanded first true leaves (E). Two large pavement cells are highlighted in yellow in Col leaves. Epidermal cells of similar size are not found in pATML1:GFP:GTL1 leaves. Scale bars: 300 μm in (A), 250 μm in (B), 500 μm in (C), 1 cm in (D), and 150 μm in (E).