Figure 6.
GTL1 represses the activity of the CCS52A1 promoter in maturing trichomes. (A) The pGTL1:GUS reporter shows that the GTL1 promoter activity is not detected at an early stage (es) of trichome development and it is only found during the late stage (ls) when trichome cells reach their maximum size. (B) The representative expression of pCCS52A1:H2B:GFP markers in trichomes from sixth leaves of 15-day-old Col and gtl1-1 plants. Red and blue arrows mark trichome nuclei during early and late stage of development, respectively. Nuclear accumulation of H2B:GFP proteins is detected only at an early stage in Col but is extended to maturing trichomes in gtl1-1. Broad green signals found in the cytoplasm derive from autofluorecence in trichomes. Scale bars: 150 μm in (A), 50 μm in (B).