Fully analyzed data derived from the DNA of cell line HeLaS3, showing the blue, green, and yellow amplified STR peaks and allele classifications. These data are derived from a single lane containing all the PCR products and the red size standards. The PCR products and size standards are detected by laser excitation of the four fluorescent dye labels by using an Applied Biosystems Prism 377 instrument. Profile quality is assessed by two independent analysts, and the peaks are then assigned allele values corresponding to the number of repeat units by using genescan and genotyper software. Allele designation is based on fixed size windows (±0.5 bp) derived from multiple analyses of allelic ladder samples containing all the commonly occurring alleles (data not shown). The loci are as follows: blue (Left to Right): HUMAMGX/Y, HUMTH01, D21S11, D18S51; green: D8S1179; yellow: HUMVWFA31/A, HUMFIBRA.