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. 2013 Jan 15;8(1):e50916. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0050916

Table 3. Characteristics of NYC public schools reporting and not reporting substantial ILI in spring 2009.

Characteristic Reporting substantial Spring 2009 ILI
Yes (%yes) No (%no) P-valuea
Instructional level n = 122 n = 199 0.002 b
 Elementary schools (K-5) 66 (54%) 100 (50%)
 K-8 Schools 30 (25%) 32 (16%)
 K-12 4 (3%) 4 (2%)
 Middle schools (6–8) 17 (14%) 20 (10%)
 Middle/High (6–12) 1 (1%) 6 (3%)
 High schools 4 (3%) 27 (14%)
 Other 0 10 (5%)
Borough n = 122 n = 199 0.002 b
 Bronx 12 (10%) 30 (15%)
 Brooklyn 23 (19%) 61 (31%)
 Manhattan 19 (16%) 33 (17%)
 Queens 62 (51%) 58 (29%)
 Staten Island 6 (5%) 17 (9%)
Title I eligibility *
Title I n = 122 n = 189 0.474b
 School wide program 106 (87%) 160 (85%)
 No school wide program 16 (13%) 29 (15%)
Poverty rate n = 122 n = 189 0.529b
 0–25% 16 (13%) 23 (12%)
 25–50% 13 (11%) 23 (12%)
 50–75% 53 (43%) 68 (36%)
 75–100% 40 (33%) 75 (40%)
School size n = 122 n = 189 0.594b
 <500 students 42 (34%) 68 (36%)
 500–1000 students 58 (48%) 95 (50%)
 >1000 students 22 (18%) 26 (14%)
Ethnicity n = 122%mean (95% CI) n = 199%mean (95% CI)
 American Indian or Alaska native 1% (0.39–0.62) <1% (0.42–0.54) 0.655§
 Black or African American 29% (23.5–33.7) 35% (30.7–39.5) 0.058§
 Hispanic or Latino 34% (30.3–38.7) 37% (33.3–40.6) 0.382§
 Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 19% (15.4–23.3) 12% (9.4–14.2) 0.002 §
 White 16% (12.7–20.3) 15% (11.8–18.1) 0.534§
Responses ( number of survey respondents )
 Formation of a Flu Response Team (n = 321) 95/122 (78%) 126/199 (63%) 0.017
 Designated or had a room used exclusively for separating ill students (holding room) (n = 318) 77/121 (64%) 131/197 (67%) 0.213
 Educated or encouraged students to use respiratory etiquette (n = 321) 120/122 (98%) 197/199 (99%) 0.436
 Educated or encouraged students to use proper hand hygiene (n = 321) 121/122 (99%) 197/199 (99%) 0.692
 More than 75% of teachers taught curriculum on hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette (n = 320)
  During September 2009 78/122 (64%) 104/198 (53%) 0.384
  During October 2009 70/122 (57%) 103/198 (52%) 0.27
  During November 2009 63/122 (52%) 88/198 (44%) 0.62
  During December 2009 63/122 (52%) 88/198 (44%) 0.582
 Tissue was made available in these location (s) in school (n = 320)
  Classrooms 115/122 (94%) 170/198 (86%) 0.019
  Bathrooms 66/122 (54%) 100/198 (51%) 0.532
  Hallways 1/122 (1%) 5/198 (3%) 0.275
  Admin offices 107/122 (88%) 164/198(83%) 0.239
  Lunch room 41/122 (34%) 58/198 (29%) 0.418
 Hand sanitizer was made available in these locations in   school (n = 320)
  Classrooms 112/122 (92%) 164/198 (83%) 0.024
  Bathrooms 48/122(39%) 62/198(31%) 0.142
  Hallways 13/122 (11%) 17/198(9%) 0.537
  Admin offices 103/122 (84%) 159/198 (80%) 0.352
  Lunchroom 52/122 (43%) 65/198 (33%) 0.077
 Cover your cough posters were made available in these   locations in school (n = 320)
  Classrooms 50/122 (41%) 91/198 (46%) 0.384
  Bathrooms 52/122(43%) 92/198(46%) 0.502
  Hallways 96/122 (79%) 151/198(76%) 0.616
  Admin offices 57/122 (47%) 87/198 (44%) 0.627
  Lunchroom 73/122 (60%) 114/198 (58%) 0.69
 Frequently cleaned areas and items that are more likely to   have frequent hand contact (n = 318) 103/121 (85%) 153/197 (78%) 0.069
 Communicated with students about flu at least once using   the following methods (n = 317)
  Letters or handouts 107/121 (88%) 167/196 (85%) 0.191
  School assemblies 88/121 (73%) 119/196(61%) 0.089
  E-mails 14/121 (12%) 26/196 (13%) 0.364
  Social Media (Facebook, twitter, etc) 1/121 (1%) 4/196 (2%) 0.098
  Internet 34/121 (28%) 66/196 (34%) 0.038

Participating schools compared to nonparticipating schools.


Chi-square test.


Satterthwaite T-test of Mean Difference, two-sided exact Pr>|t|.


A federal program that provides financial assistance to Local Education Agencies and schools with high numbers or high percentages of poor children.

The percentage of public schools where ≥75% of students are eligible for free or reduced price lunch.

Proportion of each ethnic group in schools.