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. 2013 Jan 16;8(1):e53788. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0053788

Table 1. List of plant species monitored at each location, along with their phenological responses to temperature (for years prior to 2010 for MA and prior to 2012 for WI) and 95% prediction intervals for 2010 and 2012 for Massachusetts and 2012 for Wisconsin.

Location Species n Temp. Response 95% Prediction Interval Obs. FFD
Massachusetts Amelanchier arborea * 25 y = −3.24x+143 2010: 95–119 2010: 102
(Serviceberry) R2 = 0.45*** 2012: 96–119 2012: 105
Massachusetts Anemone quinquefolia * 25 y = −1.03x+123 2010: 96–127 2010: 102
(Wood Anemone) R2 = 0.05* 2012: 97–127 2012: 105
Massachusetts Aquilegia canadensis * 25 y = 0.46x+112 2010: 97–138 2010: 105
(Wild Columbine) R2 = 0.01 2012: 98–137 2012: 109
Massachusetts Aralia nudicaulis 24 y = −3.27x+160 2010:113–134 2010: 122
(Wild Sarsaparilla) R2 = 0.68*** 2012: 114–135 2012: 128
Massachusetts Arenaria lateriflora 23 y = −4.92x+178 2010: 105–142 2010: 127
(Bluntleaf Sandwort) R2 = 0.43*** 2012: 107–143 2012: 123
Massachusetts Caltha palustris * 25 y = −1.69x+116 2010: 75–120 2010: 69
(Marsh Marigold) R2 = 0.06** 2012: 76–120 2012: 92
Massachusetts Comandra umbellate 24 y = −3.26x+162 2010: 107–145 2010: 124
(Bastard Toadflax) R2 = 0.24*** 2012: 108–145 2012: 128
Massachusetts Cornus canadensis 24 y = −3.27x+164 2010: 114–142 2010: 136
(Dwarf Dogwood) R2 = 0.36** 2012: 116–143 2012: 138
Massachusetts Cypripedium acaule 25 y = −3.70x+165 2010: 110–138 2010: 124
(Pink Lady Slipper) R2 = 0.61*** 2012: 112–138 2012: 123
Massachusetts Fragaria virginiana * 20 y = −4.21x+152 2010: 85–127 2010: 105
(Wild Strawberry) R2 = 0.33*** 2012: 87–128 2012: 105
Massachusetts Gaylussacia baccata 24 y = −5.82x+174 2010: 97–123 2010: 115
(Black Huckleberry) R2 = 0.68*** 2012: 99–125 2012: 109
Massachusetts Geranium maculatum * 25 y = −1.85x+151 2010: 117–143 2010: 129
(Wild Geranium) R2 = 0.16** 2012: 118–144 2012: 128
Massachusetts Houstonia caerulea 26 y = −2.70x+127 2010: 78–117 2010: 86
(Bluet) R2 = 0.17** 2012: 79–118 2012: 92
Massachusetts Hypoxis hirsuta 25 y = −3.31x+168 2010: 117–146 2010: 129
(Yellow Star-Grass) R2 = 0.34*** 2012: 119–147 2012: 128
Massachusetts Krigia virginica 24 y = −4.21x+171 2010: 99–151 2010: 115
(Dwarf Dandelion) R2 = 0.22*** 2012: 101–151 2012: 109
Massachusetts Potentilla canadensis 24 y = 0.21x+116 2010: 89–148 2010: 102
(Dwarf Cinquefoil) R2 = 0.00 2012: 90–147 2012: 105
Massachusetts Prunus pensylvanica 22 y = −2.95x+147 2010: 100–128 2010: 105
(Pin Cherry) R2 = 0.29*** 2012: 101–129 2012: 109
Massachusetts Prunus serotina * 22 y = −2.08x+149 2010: 91–161 2010: 129
(Black Cherry) R2 = 0.04 2012: 92–161 2012: 131
Massachusetts Prunus virginiana 24 y = −4.06x+165 2010: 92–138 2010: 122
(Chokecherry) R2 = 0.41*** 2012: 94–139 2012: 123
Massachusetts Rhododendron canadense 26 y = −4.27x+160 2010: 104–122 2010: 124
(Rhodora) R2 = 0.72*** 2012: 106–123 2012: 123
Massachusetts Saxifraga virginiensis 26 y = 0.81x+103 2010: 92–131 2010: 102
(Early Saxifrage) R2 = 0.02 2012: 93–130 2012: 92
Massachusetts Senecio aureus 26 y = −2.36x+156 2010: 111–150 2010: 129
(Golden Ragwort) R2 = 0.13** 2012: 112–150 2012: 123
Massachusetts Silene caroliniana 26 y = −3.85x+169 2010: 115–137 2010: 129
(Wild Pink) R2 = 0.58*** 2012: 117–138 2012: 128
Massachusetts Smilax rotundifolia 21 y = −4.12x+183 2010: 109–166 2010: 124
(Common Greenbriar) R2 = 0.19*** 2012: 111–166 2012: 128
Massachusetts Trientalis borealis 25 y = −4.43x+165 2010: 103–130 2010: 115
(Starflower) R2 = 0.53*** 2012: 105–131 2012: 118
Massachusetts Trillium cernuum 25 y = −2.84x+155 2010: 107–142 2010: 122
(Nodding Trillium) R2 = 0.21** 2012: 108–142 2012: 131
Massachusetts Vaccinium angustifolium 26 y = −4.41x+152 2010: 88–118 2010: 105
(Lowbush Blueberry) R2 = 0.63*** 2012: 90–119 2012: 98
Massachusetts Vaccinium corymbosum 26 y = −6.55x+170 2010: 83–113 2010: 97
(Highbush Blueberry) R2 = 0.66*** 2012: 85–115 2012: 92
Massachusetts Viola cucullata 25 y = −3.28x+140 2010: 86–122 2010: 102
(Marsh Blue Violet) R2 = 0.27*** 2012: 88–122 2012: 98
Massachusetts Viola fimbriatula 23 y = −2.91x+142 2010: 86–134 2010: 102
(Arrowleaf Violet) R2 = 0.13** 2012: 88–135 2012: 105
Massachusetts Viola lanceolata 24 y = −3.17x+150 2010: 100–130 2010: 120
(Lance-leaved Violet) R2 = 0.33*** 2012: 101–130 2012: 115
Massachusetts Viola pedata * 23 y = 2.22x+110 2010: 113–157 2010: 124
(Birdfoot Violet) R2 = 0.10 2012: 113–155 2012: 123
Wisconsin Amelanchier arborea * 47 y = −4.85x+155 84–108 84
(Serviceberry) R2 = 0.63***
Wisconsin Anemone canadensis 47 y = −4.05x+179 116–144 111
(Meadow Anemone) R2 = 0.46***
Wisconsin Anemone patens 47 y = −3.31x+127 70–103 75
(Pasque Flower) R2 = 0.30***
Wisconsin Anemone quinquefolia * 47 y = −4.31x+149 84–109 87
(Wood Anemone) R2 = 0.55***
Wisconsin Aquilegia canadensis * 47 y = −3.98x+162 102–125 117
(Wild Columbine) R2 = 0.55***
Wisconsin Arabis lyrata 47 y = −3.84x+140 80–105 80
(Sand Cress) R2 = 0.49***
Wisconsin Caltha palustris * 47 y = −2.64x+134 91–112 100
(Marsh Marigold) R2 = 0.41***
Wisconsin Dicentra cucullaria 47 y = −4.46x+140 72–100 76
(Dutchman's Breeches) R2 = 0.52***
Wisconsin Dodecatheon meadia 47 y = −3.73x+163 110–126 122
(Shooting Star) R2 = 0.70***
Wisconsin Fragaria virginiana * 47 y = −3.93x+154 90–123 102
(Wild Strawberry) R2 = 0.38***
Wisconsin Geranium maculatum * 47 y = −4.52x+165 98–122 111
(Wild Geranium) R2 = 0.59***
Wisconsin Hepatica nobilis 47 y = −4.18x+132 64–98 75
(Sharp-lobed Hepatica) R2 = 0.40***
Wisconsin Lithospermum canescens 47 y = −4.13x+161 96–126 105
(Hoary Puccoon) R2 = 0.44***
Wisconsin Oxalis stricta 47 y = −4.23x+167 104–126 118
(Wood Sorrel) R2 = 0.62***
Wisconsin Phlox divaricata 47 y = −5.38x+167 86–116 94
(Woodland Phlox) R2 = 0.57***
Wisconsin Phlox pilosa 47 y = −3.66x+166 106–136 128
(Prairie Phlox) R2 = 0.38***
Wisconsin Prunus serotina * 47 y = −3.74x+167 109–134 126
(Black Cherry) R2 = 0.49***
Wisconsin Rubus allegheniensis 47 y = −3.01x+169 124–140 129
(Common Blackberry) R2 = 0.63***
Wisconsin Sanguinaria canadensis 47 y = −3.55x+129 71–100 76
(Bloodroot) R2 = 0.40***
Wisconsin Sisyrinchium campestre 47 y = −3.83x+165 108–129 118
(Blue-eyed Grass) R2 = 0.58***
Wisconsin Tradescantia ohiensis 47 y = −3.27x+174 119–149 131
(Spiderwort) R2 = 0.34***
Wisconsin Trillium grandiflorum 47 y = −2.58x+142 93–128 99
(Large-flowered Trillium) R2 = 0.19***
Wisconsin Viola pedata * 47 y = −5.11x+164 91–112 101
(Birdfoot Violet) R2 = 0.70***

The samples size is the number of years used for each regression analysis. Species names follow the United States Department of Agriculture Plants Database. Species common to both locations are indicated with an asterisk after the species name. Asterisks that follow R2 values represent significance at the following levels:


 = p<0.05,


 = p<0.01,


 = p<0.001.