Family’s decision making and relationships | |
1. Who are the main family members making decisions for the patient? 2. Are there any intrafamily conflicts that may require attention? |
What role do the family members prefer in decision making about goals of care? □ prefer to make final decision □ prefer to make the final decision after seriously considering the doctor’s opinion □ prefer that the doctor and family share equal responsibility □ prefer that the doctor makes the final decision but seriously considers family’s opinion □ prefer that the doctor decides |
Family’s understanding of the patient’s prognosis | |
1. Likelihood of survival to hospital discharge | |
2. Likelihood of severe functional impairment in 6 months | |
Patient’s treatment preferences and values | |
1. Is there a written advance directive? (If so, summarize key points) 2. What is known about patient’s values and health care preferences? |
3. Patient’s preferences about continuing life support if likely outcome is: - Living in a nursing home or with substantial care-giving burdens? - Being unable to think clearly or interact with others? - Being unable to do valued physical activities? - Being a burden on family (financially or care giving)? - Being attached to machines to be kept alive? |
Family’s main questions |