Pathophysiologic Mechanisms of Orthostatic Intolerance in POTS
Mechanism (POTS subtype) | Markers | Examples |
Impaired sympathetically mediated vasoconstriction in the lower limbs (neuropathic POTS) | Impaired distal sweating Blunted late phase II in the VMLow supine blood pressureReduced NE spillover in leg veinsReduced cardiac MIBG uptakeHigh leg blood flow | Restricted postviral or autoimmune neuropathies |
Excessive cardiac sympathoexcitatory responses (hyperadrenergic POTS) | Standing plasma NE ≥600 pg/mL Fluctuating blood pressure or hypertension during HUT | AnxietyPheochromocytomaMast cell activation disordersVGKC autoimmunity? |
Volume dysregulation | Elevated plasma angiotensin IIImpairment of RAA systemImpaired renal control of fluid secretion | Conditions associated with hypovolemia |
Physical deconditioning | V̇o2max <85% on exercise testingReduced left ventricular mass | Prolonged bed restChronic fatigue, pain |
HUT = head-up tilt; MIBG = meta-iodobenzylguanidine; NE = norepinephrine; POTS = postural tachycardia syndrome; RAA = renin-angiotensin-aldosterone; VGKC = voltage-gated potassium channel; VM = Valsalva maneuver; V̇o2max = maximum oxygen consumption.