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. 2013 Jan 17;9(1):e1002859. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002859

Table 1. List of variables/terms and their explanations.

Variables and Terms Definitions
M number of bins used for discretization of observations
k number of bins an observation can be assigned to at the same time.
n number of observed metabolites
t knot vector that is used to define the shapes of B-spline curves
Inline graphic the probability associated with the i th B-spline curve for the given z value and for a specific k
P population of individuals
s an individual in the population
mj j th observed metabolite
s[mj] the observed value for j th metabolite for individual s
Inline graphic transformed value for s[mj] given the max and min values for mj
Inline graphic probability of assigning s[mj] to bin i.
H(X) entropy of the random variable X.
I(X;Y) mutual information of random variables X and Y.
Sub a subset of the observed metabolites
Inline graphic random variable that represents all combinations of the binned metabolite observations for Sub
C random variable that represents the class variable (e.g. WT and CF)
ps(o) probability of observing the bin combination o for individual s
p(o) probability of observing the bin combination o in population P
Inline graphic marginal mutual information obtained from the bin combination o
o[mj] the bin associated with the j th metabolite in the bin combination array o
Inline graphic random variable that contains all bin combinations for metabolites in Sub that are class C -specific.
Inline graphic expected bins for metabolites in Sub for class C
Inline graphic expected bin for metabolite j for class C found using the subset of metabolites Subj
Inline graphic expected bin for metabolite j for class C found after aggregating results for different subsets