Figure 2. The Hgb protein is expressed in carcinoma tissues of the uterine cervix.
Sections from paraffin-embedded human cervical cancer tissues were subjected to either H&E staining or immnunohistochemical analysis with HBA1 and HBB antibodies. Cervical cancer samples showed well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma (A and B). S, stroma. Cytoplasmic staining of HBA1 and HBB was detected in biopsy samples from uterine cervical tissues (D and F). A non-specific IgG monoclonal antibody diluted with PBS was used as a negative control (C and E). Double-immunostaining against p16INK4A, a specific marker of cervical cancer, demonstrated that Hgb was expressed in cervical cancer cells (I, K, M and O). White dashed boxes were digitally magnified (J, L, N and P). Immunofluorescence without primary antibody revealed negligible signals in cervical cancer cells (G and H).