Figure 2. Results of symsim model under additive fitness.
(A, B, C) Weak selection. (D, E, F) Strong selection. (A, D) Probability of appearance (p) of the derived (niche 1) optimal genotype in 100 replicate simulations for each combination of the number of loci involved in niche adaptation, L and the recombination rate, r. High probabilities (p = 1) are shown in white, low probabilities in black, and intermediate probabilities in grey scale. The space under the red line indicates extinction of the niche-1 optimal genotype in all 100 replicates (p<0.01). (B, E) Time to appearance of the niche 1 optimal genotype (mean over 100 replicate simulations). The red line is the same as in (A); n.d. refers to appearance time not determined, or effectively infinite, because extinction of niche-1 alleles occurred before the optimal genotype could appear. Shorter times are shown in white, effectively infinite times in black, and intermediate times in grey scale. (C, F) Completeness of speciation. The mean fraction of the pooled populations (niche 0 and 1) occupied by optimally-adapted genotypes is based on 10 replicate simulations for every combination of L and r. Complete speciation (optimal genotype fraction near 1) shown in white, incomplete in black, and intermediate completeness in grey scale. Magenta letters in C refer to the same simulations depicted in panels (A, B, C, D) of Figure 4.