AZD8055 reduces pheochromocytoma tumor and metastatic burden in mice. MTT-luc cells (1.5 × 106) were injected sc in the flank of nude mice. After 7 weeks of treatment with 20 mg/kg AZD8055, or the same volume of vehicle in the control group, the animals were euthanized and lungs and livers were excised for comparison. A, Tumor burden as a function of tumor cell bioluminescence signal is graphed: AZD8055-treated animals (red line) is compared with the control animals (blue line). **P = .0021; *P = .012 (t test). B and C, Sizes of metastatic tumors in lungs (B) (*P < .05, Mann-Whitney U test) and livers (C) were compared in treated mice compared with animals treated with vehicle (control).