Figure 7. Hydrodynamic impact on cell survival.
Rate of 3T3 (a) and NE-4C (b) cell survival is presented as a function of vacuum generated by the syringe during sorting. Bubbles in the graph correspond to data in Table I. Bubble diameter is proportional to the sample size, i.e., the number of cells picked up. (c) Maximum energy dissipation rate (EDR) calculated from simulation as a function of vacuum presented in logarithmic scale. Maximum EDR value was determined in the whole volume () and also in the middle zone of the flow (
) shown in (d) up to r = 20 μm. The vacuum dependence of EDR is weaker than its spatial variation. (d) EDR map of the flow field in the middle zone of the micropipette up to r = 25 μm with a vacuum of −9,000 Pa. (e) EDR map of the flow field close to the edge of the micropipette shown in white in the middle of the image. In (c, d, e) the micropipette aperture and wall thickness are 69 μm and 5 μm, respectively. Distance between the micropipette and the surface is 5 μm. EDR value is indicated in color code in W/m3 units in (d) and (e) from 0 to 108 and from 0 to 1.285*1010, respectively.