Forest plots of ln (OR) with 95% CI for the allelic analysis. Black squares indicate the ln (OR) (ln (OR) can be better fitted than OR), with the size of the square inversely proportional to its variance, and horizontal lines represent the 95% CIs. The pooled results are indicated by the unshaded black diamond. Six datasets including Chen 1997 (Atayal) (Chen et al. 1997), Chen 1997 (Bunun) (Chen et al. 1997), Chen 1997 (Paiwan) (Chen et al. 1997), Shen 1997 (b) (Elunchun) (Shen et al. 1997b), Fan 1998 (Elunchun) (Fan et al. 1998), and Konishi 2004(Konishi et al. 2004), are not shown on the forest plots because the wide CIs can not fit into the current version of the plots.