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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Feb 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Acad Nutr Diet. 2012 Feb;112(2):276–284. doi: 10.1016/j.jada.2011.08.035

Table 1. Meals in our Household Questionnaire - Items, Instructions, & Scoring.

Domain Structure of Family Meals
Instruction Mealtimes are different for different families. We are interested in what meals are like in your household. For each of the following items, please choose how often the statement describes mealtimes with your child and/or in your household.

Response options Never (0), Rarely (1), Sometimes (2), Often (3), Always or Almost Always (4) R=reverse coded
  • 1 My child eats meals with myself or other family members.

  • 2R The television is on in the same room when my child is eating meals.

  • 3 Our family eats an evening meal at a regular time.

  • 4R Meals in our household are rushed.

  • 5 We eat meals in the kitchen or dining room.

  • 6R we eat meals in the car.

  • 7R Everyone in our household eats something different at meals.

  • 8 At meals, my child eats the same food as everyone else.

  • 9 Someone in our household cooks meals.

  • 10 We say grace or have a ritual at the start of meals.

Domain Problematic Child Mealtime Behaviors

Instruction Children's behavior at mealtimes can be an issue for parents and in families. Sometimes children behave well at meals and sometimes they could behave better. Parents also have different expectations for children's behavior at meals. For each of the following statements, please choose how often the statement describes your child's behavior during the past 3 months, and for each statement choose how much of a problem that aspect of your child's behavior is for you. Please note that a behavior that occurs often may be a large problem in one family and may be not a problem or a small problem in another family. Likewise, a behavior that occurs rarely may be a large problem or may be not a problem.

Response options i: Never (0), Rarely (1), Sometimes (2), Often (3), Very Often (4)
j: Not a problem (0), Small problem (1), Medium problem (2), Large problem (3)

  • 1i My child refuses to come when it is time to eat.

  • 1j How much of a problem is it that your child refuses to come when it is time?

  • 2i My child has tantrums or acts out during meals.

  • 2j How much of a problem is it that your child has tantrums during meals?

  • 3i My child complains about what is served.

  • 3j How much of a problem is it that your child complains about what is served?

  • 4i I argue with my child about what he/she eats.

  • 4j How much of a problem is arguing with your child about what he/she eats?

  • 5i My child seeks a lot of attention during meals.

  • 5j How much of a problem is it that your child seeks attention during meals?

  • 6i My child does not stay seated during meals.

  • 6j How much of a problem is it that your child doesn't stay seated during meals?

  • 7i My child squirms or fidgets while eating.

  • 7j How much of a problem is it that your child squirms or fidgets while eating?8i My child has poor table manners.

  • 8j How much of a problem is it that your child has poor table manners?

  • 9i My child overstuffs his/her mouth with food.

  • 9j How much of a problem is it that your child overstuffs his/her mouth?

  • 10i My child refuses to eat what is served.

  • 10j How much of a problem is it that your child refuses to eat what is served?

Domain Use of Food as a Reward

Instruction Parents use many ways to reward and encourage children. For each of the following, please tell us, by checking one box per row, how often the statement describes you and/or your child.

Response Options Never (0), Rarely (1), Sometimes (2), Often (3), Very Often (4)

  1. I give my child food to keep him/her quiet when shopping or traveling.

  2. I give my child food to reward him/her for good behavior.

  3. I withhold a food my child likes as a consequence for bad behavior.

  4. My child expects to be given a favorite food as a reward.

  5. I give my child a special food to celebrate an achievement.

  6. I give my child food to persuade him/her to do something he/she does not really want to do.

Domain Parental Concern about Child's Diet

Instruction Some parents have concerns about what their child eats and other parents have few or no concerns about what their child eats. For each of the following, please rate how concerned you are.

Response Options Not at all concerned (0), A little concerned (1), Somewhat concerned (2), Quite concerned (3), Very concerned (4), Extremely concerned (5)

  1. Child is not eating enough.

  2. Child is eating too much.

  3. Child eats a lot of junk food.

  4. Child eats only a few types of food.

  5. Child is not getting good nutrition.

  6. Child has poor eating habits.

  7. Child will not try new foods.

  8. Child is not flexible about what he/she eats.

  9. Child has food allergies or intolerances.

  10. Child will eat foods I don't want him/her to.

  11. Child eats too much fat.

  12. Child eats too much sugar.

  13. Child does not eat breakfast.

  14. Child does not eat vegetables.

  15. Child does not eat fruits.

  16. Child does not drink milk.

  17. Child does not eat meat.

Domain Spousal Stress Related to Child's Mealtime Behaviors

Instruction If you have a spouse or partner who lives with you, please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Response options Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neither Agree nor Disagree (3), Agree (4), Strongly Agree (5)

  1. My child's behavior at meals bothers my spouse/partner.

  2. My spouse/partner does not enjoy eating with my child.

  3. My child's mealtime behavior is a source of stress in my relationship with my spouse/partner.

  4. My spouse/partner and I have different expectations about my child's mealtime behavior.

Domain Influence of Child's Food Preferences on what other Family Members Eat

Response options i: Never (0), Rarely (1), Sometimes (2), Often (3), Always or Almost Always (4)
j: Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neither Agree nor Disagree (3), Agree (4), Strongly Agree (5)

  • 1i My child's food preferences influence what I, myself, eat.

  • 2ja My child's food preferences influence what my spouse/partner eats.

  • 3jb My child's food preferences influence what other children in our household eat.


Assessed if living with a spouse/partner.


Assessed if more than one child in household.