Models for hexameric (A and C) and dimeric (B) interfaces of EIAV-CA. The side chain bonds of chemical shift mapped residues were colored blue in both hexamer (A) and dimer (B) models, which were generated using rigid body rotation of the refined EIAV-CAN and the original EIAV-CAC crystal coordinates onto the crystal structure of HIV-1-CA hexamer (PDB code 3GV2)(39) and the solution structure of HIV-1-CAC dimer (PDB code 2KOD)(41), respectively. One EIAV-CA molecule was colored red in both oligomer models. The cyan colored ribbons correspond to residues with severe 1H-15N line broadening. C, a close view of the hexamer core. The side chain bonds of the most-inner core residue Arg18 were colored green.