Catalase induction by high fat feeding is due to increased fat content
Two different control diets are used to probe potential effects of the carbohydrate needed to compensate for the calorie content of the high fat diet (HF). The sucrose content in the low fat chow was increased to offset the reduced level of fat. The respective control diets are either low fat/low sucrose (LF/LS) or low fat/high sucrose (LF/HS). Catalase total activity (micromoles of H2O2/min/mg) was determined in mice fed a low fat chow where the fat calories are offset by increased cornstarch (LF/LS). Values are presented as the mean ± S.D. (n = 5).
* This indicates a significant increase (2-tailed t test) in high fat-fed mice compared with mice fed either low fat control diet (p < 0.01).