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. 2012 Nov 28;288(3):1991–2003. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.420182


Data collection and refinement statistics

Values in parentheses correspond to the highest resolution shell. Data sets were recorded at beamline X06DA at the Swiss Light Source in Villigen (Switzerland).

SlgN1ΔAsubc SlgN1ΔAsub-AMPcPP
PDB code 4GR4 4GR5

Data collection statistics
    Space group P21 P21
    Cell dimensions and angle a = 88.11 Å a = 87.90 Å
b = 148.61 Å b = 147.79 Å
c = 109.58 Å c = 109.92 Å
β = 113.3° β = 113.07°
    Wavelength (λ) 0.95000 Å 0.99987 Å
    Resolution 47.7 to 2.44 Å 30 to 1.92 Å
    Reflections 326,266 (48,199) 915,481 (65,316)
    Unique reflections 95,771 (15,058) 195,711 (14,400)
    Rmerge 16.0% (88.9%) 10.7% (81.2%)
    Rmeas 10.1% (71.5%) 6.7% (78.6%)
    CC1/2 99.6% (66.1%) 99.9% (70.9%)
    Completeness 99.2% (97.2%) 99.6% (99.5%)
    Multiplicity 3.4 (3.2) 4.7 (4.7)
    II 13.2 (1.8) 12.9 (2.1)
    Wilson B-factor 48.4 Å2 43.9 Å2
    Mosaicity 0.307° 0.122°

Refinement statistics
    Rcryst/Rfree 18.0/21.3 15.8/18.6
        Chain A/B/C/D 3357/3339/3353/3291 3327/3375/3366/3327
        AMPcPP 31/31/31/31
        Solvent molecules 443 1122
    Mean isotropic B-factor 43.6 Å2 41.7 Å2
        Chain A/ B/C/D 40.0/41.7/47.4/45.4 Å2 36.8/39.3/46.1/44.6 Å2
        MbtH-like domain A/B/C/D 52.7/55.3/76.8/73.7 Å2 48.5/52.0/71.8/72.8 Å2
        Acore domain A/ B/C/D 37.0/39.3/42.1/40.7 Å2 35.0/37.2/42.1/40.2 Å2
        AMPcPP 30.8/35.4/49.3/35.6 Å2
        Solvent molecules 37.7 Å 42.3 Å
    r.m.s.d. bond length 0.010 Å 0.007 Å
    r.m.s.d. bond angle 1.170° 1.100°
    Ramachandran angles
        Favored/portion 1758/98.7% 1777/98.8%
        Allowed/portion 19/1.0% 18/1.0%
        Outlier/portion 4/0.2% 4/0.2%