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. 2012 Aug 21;15(2):278–283. doi: 10.1093/europace/eus245

Table 3.

Signs of Riata ST Optim and Durata failure. A lead may have had more than one sign of failure

Sign PG can abrasion Other device abrasion Internal abrasion Unspecified abrasion Other abrasion
Death, truncated shock 1
High-voltage short during VF DF-1 cable and SVC coil melted
Low impedance 5 3 3 Clavicle-2
Inappropriate shocks 4 3 3 Clavicle-1
Oversensing, noise 6 1 2 4 Fracture-1
Low R-wave 1 1 1
‘Break’ 1 Clavicle-1
High impedance Clavicle-1
Loss of capture, rising threshold 1 Annuloplasty ring-1
Unspecified 4 3 3