Fig. 2.
Phylogram of functionally characterized members of PMEIs and Invertase inhibitors including the putative MaPMEI (ABC41689) from banana. PMEIs from M. acuminata (ABC41689), T. aestivum (ACI01434), B. oleracea (AAZ20131), A. deliciosa (BAC54964), A. deliciosa (BAC54965), A thaliana (NP192976, Q9LUV1, AA042834, AAW70408) and Invertase inhibitors from N. tabacum (spO49908, AAN60076), S. lycopersicum (spO82001), I. batatas (spQ8LJU6), S. tuberosum (ACO35698) and A. thaliana (NP564516, CAA73335) were taken to construct phylogenetic tree. MaPMEI was grouped with PMEIs, which is shown in dotted circle. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted in MEGA 5 software (Tamura et al. 2011)